
We would like to share with you frequently asked questions

Where will we get on the boat?
It’s very easy to reach to our boats. We are at the Marmaris Albatros Marina, a boutique marina hidden in green pine trees and only 3 kms far from the city bus station. You may take the Havaş or Mutaş shuttles from Dalaman Airport to Marmaris bus station. Our coordinates are: 36°50’40¨N 28°17’11¨E
Where we can do the shopping for the boat?
There are several markets in Marmaris where you can meet all your needs or you may contact us for an extra provisioning service two days before your charter date.
Can you provide airport transfer service?
If you request in advance, we can assist you with airport transfers.
Can we cook on the boat?
There is sufficient equipment for cooking on our boats. However, we recommend that you always prefer simple meals so that you do not spend your holiday in the kitchen but enjoy the turquoise waters.
Are there restaurants in the bays where we will anchor?
There are several beautiful restaurants in Marmaris , Hisarönü and Göcek Bays with free water, electricity and Wi-Fi services.
Do you do the shopping for us?
We can do the shopping for you as an extra service but you’ll need to contact us in advance.
Can we visit the Greek islands?
Yes, you can visit the Greek Islands and sail in Greek waters with your boat. Please check for the procedures and the extra costs during your reservation.
Do you assist us to plan the sailing routes?
Our proffessional team will assist you to plan the sailing routes for a safe and pleasant holiday.
Can we bring our pets on the boat?
Unfortunately no. We also love our pawed friends but we need to respect the health and hygiene rights of our other guests.